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Month: November 2019

Vitamin E Acetate Linked to New Form of Lung Injury in Vapers; November 21, 2019

The CDC released a report today indicating vitamin E acetate as a compound of interest in a sting of lung injuries related to vaping across the United States. As of today there have been approximately 2290 cases and 47 deaths linked to vaping. Vitamin E acetate has been found present in the majority of cases posited to have been used as an additive in THC e-cigarette cartridges.

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American Medical Association Supports Total E-Cigarette Ban; November 20, 2019

The American Medical Association supported a stance of banning vaping in a recent conference in San Diego, California. Supporters point to the rise in youth vaping and the twenty-one hundred conclusive medical cases linked to vaping when defending their position. The American Vaping Association maintains that the majority of illnesses are linked to black market THC and that supporting a ban is misguided.

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Philippines President Bans E-Cigarette Use; November 19, 2019

President Rodrigo Duterte announced today that the import and use of e-cigarettes within the country would now be a criminal act. The president announced this in light of the first confirmed vaping illness discovered in his country. Authorities have been instructed to arrest any vapers using their product in a public area.

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New York Sues E-Cigarettes; November 19, 2019

A lawsuit was launched today by the New York Attorney General Letita James against Juul on the basis of predatory marketing practices targeting minors. This is the third such suit levied against Juul with California and North Carolina already supporting similar allegations. Concerns regarding the their social media practices, deceptive health claims and use of third-party intermediates to sell to minors are set to be discussed.

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India to Ban E-cigarettes; November 18, 2019

The Indian parliament has begun the codification of a set of new laws that would ban the use of e-cigarettes in their country. Detractors point to fears that individuals undergoing nicotine reduction therapy via vaping will regress to cigarettes. Proponents cite an epidemic of youth vaping documented by the Indian Council of Medical Research when defending the bill.

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British Columbia Cracks Down on E-Cigarettes; November 15, 2019

British Columbia recently unveiled a new set of laws that would set it as the province with the most stringent regulations on vaping. Laws were highly supported amidst the Liberal politicians who were concerned about the rapid increase in youth vaping. The laws will limit the use of certain flavors, advertising and raise the sales tax on e-cigarettes from seven to twenty percent.

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Juul Stops Sales of Certain Flavors in the USA; November 7, 2019

In response to recent research on flavoured cigarettes targeting adolescents and pending FDA regulations Juul volunteered to remove select products from the US markets. This self-imposed prohibition limits Juul to menthol and tobacco-based flavoring in the USA. Similar steps were not taken in other countries like Canada where the much criticized fruit and mint products can still be purchased. Other E-cigarette manufacturers will also continue to sell said flavors in the USA.

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Journal of Cardiovascular Research Says E-Cigarettes are Not ‘Harmless’; November 7, 2019

A systematic review published in the Journal of Cardiovascular Research suggests that e-cigarettes can stiffen arteries while inducing increased heart rates and blood pressure. The study cautions that newer generation e-cigarettes provide longer and higher concentration exposures than earlier models, thus suggesting past research may have underestimated risks. Authors of the study emphasize that more research on long-term effects are needed and that individuals should not start using e-cigarettes outside of a nicotine reduction therapy.

Read more about "Journal of Cardiovascular Research Says E-Cigarettes are Not ‘Harmless’; November 7, 2019"