Components of E-Cigarettes Increase Risk for Various Health Effects
Various components of e-cigarettes are linked to the increase in health related dangers. The design of the unit and how the tool works may be the cause of negative outcomes stemming from e-cigarette use. Aspects of concern are as followed:

- Aerosolation of e-cigarette liquid (water, propylene glycol, glycerin, nicotine and flavouring)
- Factors contributing to inhalation effects
- climate
- air flow
- room size
- number of users in vicinity
- types/ age of systems
- battery voltage
- puff length
- puff intervals
- user characteristics
- Particle size and absorption effects are still relatively unknown and can vary with products
- However, can be beneficial for those trying to quit smoking, but dangerous for never smokers
Propylene Glycol and Glycerine
- Component in most e-cigarettes
- Upper airway irritants
- dries out mucous membranes and eyes
- Glycerin is used to increase efficacy of inhalants
- draws water into bronchial secretions
- reduces their viscosity
- Repeated and long-term inhalation of glycerol vapour differs based on exposure levels

- Readily absorbed
- airway
- skin
- mucous membranes
- gastrointestinal tract
- even in small amounts, vaping liquid containing nicotine can be very harmful if swallowed or absorbed through the skin
- Acute exposure to nicotine can cause dizziness, nausea and vomiting
- Highly addictive
- can lead to dependence
- may cause nicotine addiction in those who would not have started smoking otherwise
- Cognitive and behavioural problems
- can affect memory and concentration
- alters teen brain development
- reduced impulse control
- E-cigarettes may pose increased risk of nicotine toxicity as they provide availability of high nicotine concentrations
- The level of nicotine exposure from e-cigarettes is highly variable
Other Components
- To date, evaluations of other components have not found serious health effects
- Data must be interpreted with caution
- The more chemicals listed in the ingredients, the more dangerous the substance is to human health
Alexander, H. (2019). Is vaping safe? Retrieved from