Different types of e-cigarettes arranged in a circle

What Are E-Cigarettes?

Electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) are battery powered devices that mimic the effects of traditional cigarettes. E-cigarettes are usually comprised of three main parts:

  • battery
  • cartridge
    • contains water, flavouring and nicotine in a base of propylene glycol and glycerine solution
  • atomizer/ vaporizer
Diagram of the parts of an e-cigarette

By taking a puff of the device, the atomizer is activated and heats the cartridge solution. As a result, vapour is produced which can then be inhaled. This is the action referred to as “vaping.” Sometimes, an indicator light is included on the end of the tool in attempt to mimic a tobacco cigarette.

Who Uses E-Cigarettes?

Since the introduction of e-cigarettes, the use has increased by substantial amounts, especially in the younger population. It is estimated that over 4 million Canadians have tried using an e-cigarette. The reason usage is so large may be due to:

  • the perception that e-cigarettes are less harmful than traditional cigarettes
  • they are thought to be a desirable method to quit smoking
  • they are convenient
  • they are often permitted in location where smoking would otherwise be prohibited
  • simply out of curiosity


Health Canada. (2019, January 4). Government of Canada. Retrieved from https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/canadian-tobacco-alcohol-drugs-survey/2017-summary.html

The Canadian Dental Hygienists Association. (n.d.) E-Cigarette Fact Sheet. Retrieved from https://files.cdha.ca/DHcanada/e-cig-fact-sheet.pdf

5 Facts About E-Cigarettes (Infographic)

An infographic saying "5 facts about E-Cigarettes. E-cigarette use has risen to alarming rates among middle school and high school students in North America. Could your teen be one of them? 1. What are E-Cigarettes? E-Cigarettes are battery operated electronic devices that deliver nicotine and possible flavouring in the form of a vapour. Also known as e-cigs, MODs and vapes, try to create the same feeling as smoking cigarettes but without tobacco. Since 2014, e-cigarettes are the most commonly used tobacco product used among adolescents. 2. That "USB" might be an E-Cigarette. An e-cigarette may not look like a traditional tobacco product, so they may not be easily recognized. A JUUL is an e-cigarette that is similar in shape and size to a USB flash drive. All JUUL's contain nicotine, in the form of "pods". 1 JUUL pod has the same amount of nicotine as a pack of cigarettes. Many of these "pods" come in fruit, candy, and other appealing flavours. 3. Health consequences of vaping. E-cigarettes  contain nicotine and may lead to addiction. Nicotine use in adolescents can impact brain development, affecting memory, attention and learning. Vaping has also been linked to lung disease. Although there is no burning during vaping, the vaping process requires heating the liquid. This can create new chemicals, such as formaldehydes. Many of the ingredients are safe for consumption but there has been no testing on whether they are safe to inhale. The long-term effects are still under investigation. 4. Aren't E-cigarettes less harmful than Traditional Cigarettes. Yes, but that doesn't mean they are safe. E-cigarette vapour generally contains fewer toxic chemicals than the approximate 7,000 chemicals found in the traditional cigarette smoke. E-cigarette vapour is not harmless water vapour. The vapour exposes users to volatile chemicals, heavy metals and other contaminates. Certain flavourings used in e-cigarette juice may also have health risks when inhaled. 5. How to talk with your teen about e-cigarettes. It's important when talking to your teen to keep an open dialogue free of judgement. The goal is to have a conversation and not a lecture. Try to start the conversation naturally, ask what they think of e-cigarettes when you pass a person smoking or a vape shop. Know the facts, get credible information from CDC or Government of Canada websites. Remember to be patient and ready to listen. It's OK for your conversation to take place over time, in bits and pieces. Set a good example by being tobacco free yourself, if you need support, ask your physician next visit to explain the risks of e-cigarette use. For more information on e-cigarettes and their potential risks, here are a few websites. CDC: https://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/basic_information/e-cigarettes/about-e-cigarettes.html
Government of Canada: https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/smoking-tobacco/vaping/risks.html"

Infographic created by University of Guelph medical toxicology students.

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